Donate food and money
Items in Need
- Long-life semi-skimmed milk 1 litre in tetra pak
- Tinned meat for sandwiches
- Cereals
- Biscuits
Toilet rolls
Household cleaning products
Deodorant for men and for women
Pasta sauce
Tins of fruit
- Ready made custard and rice pudding
Donate food and money
Nobody wants foodbanks to exist, but we live at a time of increased energy bills and in the general cost of living. Too many children are growing up in food poverty with over 3 million people in the UK having used a foodbank in 2023.
We are an independent organisation dependent on the donation of groceries and local financial support from individuals and fundraising.
Donate groceries
We are so grateful for local people’s support and need in-date tinned and packet foodstuff, toiletries, cleaning products, pet food and nappies. All donations are solely for Rea Valley Foodbank.
Any donations you can make to help others in our community, you can drop them off at:
- Pontesbury Co-op
- Morrisons in Minsterley
- Village Stores Longden
With thanks to the management and staff at these stores, and to the One-Stop Shop in Pontesbury for their support.
There are also Foodbank donation boxes in:
- Annscroft Church
- Longden Church
- St George’s Church, Pontesbury
- Pontesbury Baptist Church
- Pontesbury Congregational Church
- Holy Trinity Church, Minsterley
- Minsterley Methodist Church
- Worthen Village Hall, 3rd Wednesday of month, 8.30-11am
Donate money
We are only able to help the community because of your kind donations. Thank you so much for your support. We would really like to thank you and hope that you would like to stay in contact with us, so please do make sure we have your email address, email us at:
Cash – You can give us cash in person during our usual opening hours
Cheques – Payable to “Rea Valley Foodbank”
BACS or Standing Orders –
Rea Valley Foodbank
Sort code: 51-61-06
Account number: 76841804
Reference: Please enter your email address.