Getting a referral

Getting a referral 

We’re here to help.

If you are experiencing difficulties with the cost of living, your finances or for other reasons, we can help with food and other household items.

Our service is for people living throughout the Rea Valley including Hanwood, Pontesbury, Minsterley, Hope, Worthen, White Grit, Bentlawnt, Yockleton, Westbury, Habberley, Snailbeach, Stiperstones and Brockton.

You can call and have a chat with:

Reverend Greg Smith 07902 794653

Reverend Richard Lonsdale 07922 830488

Or you can be referred by your GP, school, nursery, social/health worker, housing provider or other support agency.
Referrers should provide:

  • Their own contact details including a telephone number
  • The client’s name and telephone number
  • A brief outline of the need
  • venue from which their client will be collecting from (Tuesday 10-12 Holy Trinity Minsterley or Thursday 10-12 St George’s Pontesbury)

Refer by emailing or calling 07902 794653